Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Finally! VA Character info!

Finally, it's here! :D The characters that are taken are Ninten, Ana, Lloyd, Minnie, Mimmie, the Mayor, and the penguin. There's a few other minor characters not listed in this picture, but it's okay.
I'm going to reopen voice auditions soon and talk about the characters in the upcoming episodes. I'm working on F.ep. 1, though my Dsi charging port is a little broken. .o.
If you have a music suggestion that can be used in the series, comment it here! I'm interested in what other variations of battles themes or Merrysville/Thanksgiving, or what have you! :]

I'm also getting an Intuos Pro a couple of days from now, so maybe I can transition the series to flash or something. :3

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Preview list of characters that will soon need voices

I'll put this up for future reference.
I forgot Mimmie, Minnie, and Ninten's mom. They all have a voice actor, too, but I'm willing to switch Ninten's mom out for anyone wanting to try.

More voice audition and character information will be up when F.ep. 1 is out. :T

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Scrapped M1AA trailer audio

I'm telling you now! The voices aren't the best (AKA terrible) because I meant this to be a rough sketch (or audio) of what I wanted the trailer to be. 

Posted this because who doesn't like behind-the-scenes stuff? :P If you listen to it, you can tell some mistakes (or a lot) that I did and things I shouldn't have done. I'll give you a couple seconds to make a list in your head of what they are.

Done? Alright. I'll tell you why this didn't make the cut:
  • Bad voice acting
              Self explanatory.

  • Ninten's mom is confused 
              Said scarf instead of bandana. Oops.
  • Bad scenes to choose from
              So I wasn't really thinking when I was thinking of what to say. Encounter with a hippie? Sure. Ninten about to investigate the trashcan? Alright? Finding a hat on the ground? Irrelevant. Mom reminding Ninten about something that isn't even in the official game? Totally irrelevant.

I have another idea to create a M1AA trailer, but I don't even have voice actors other than myself and a friend who offered to help. Voice auditions are going up either before or after F.ep. 1. Yeah yeah yeah, "M1AA is coming soon soon soon! Eventually! Sometime." You know what? It comes when it comes. I feel like I'm "over-hyping" the series. (.~.)

 That's it for today. Here's my deviantART: http://macandbloo101.deviantart.com/
and my Sudo: http://www.sudomemo.net/user/55A5BC4051212006@DSi

 If you can magically motivate me to do my homework, that's be nice. Thanks.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

A little rundown of the future

Let's talk about animation. Right now, I'm animating M1AA on my Dsi with original flipnote. Unfortunately, my Dsi's charging port isn't working. I can only get a charge at a certain angle I hold the charger.
I'm most likely not using Flipnote 3D. I barely use my 3DS and I hate the feel of FN 3D. Ya rly. I hope to use flash professional in the future. It's just so much better than animating a series on flipnote, you know?

Episode one isn't even out yet.  :iconsadnintenplz: (plz accounts from DeviantART! Credit to original artist!)
 :iconhappynintenplz: But here's how I'll divide them if I continue animating with flipnote!
Flipnote episode = one animated flipnote (or F.ep. )
Episode = an actual episode, made up of many flipnotes put together (Ep.)
I'll decide whether or not I'll split things into arcs or not. If I animate on flash, episodes are regular episodes.
Here's a sudomemo exclusive F.Ep. 0, though: http://www.sudomemo.net/watch/212006_0E89B16136136_013

Ninten, Lloyd, Ana, Minnie, and Mimmie are covered for sure. I'm currently creating an organized list of characters people can voice. Ninten's father, Mick the dog, Teddy, Pippi, and everyone else are needed. Until I release the list, voices are on hold.
On another note, I may post practice audio clips or something here. Like these flipnotes:
Ana voice test       Lloyd voice test     Ninten voice test

I have homework to do.  .o. If there's any small updates, see my Hatena Haiku on the right.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Getting started with a blog here!

HUZAHHH! There's now an official blog for Mother 1 Animated Adventures!
Over time, I'll be spiffing this place up and make it more home-y for the Mother 1 gang. :D
Stay tuned! Hopefully, I can can out a real update on here instead of Sudomemo or Hatena Haiku.