Saturday, March 19, 2016

Using different M1/EB0/EBB remixes

I think I've mentioned this before in another post, maybe not, but here it is again anyways. dB

I have permission to use Toast Team Games's Earthbound Zero remake OST for the series, but there's a few songs missing, some songs they haven't done yet. I also want to use different covers and remixes from other people so you're not listening to the same thing over and over. (As in battles)
Different enemies that share the same battle song would simply get a different cover or remix of that song, so there's a little variation there. :D

I have a playlist of different Mother and Earthbound remixes and such, and I found a lot of amazing remixes and covers from Mother 1. (^.^) If you found anything other than what's in my playlist here:
feel free to comment it. And if there's a cover or remix of any of the songs not done by Toast Team Games, such as the Live House theme, tell me, too! :3

(On a side note, I'm working on a battle remix/cover as I'm typing this. -w- )